I am proud to endorse my friend and former colleague for the Winnebago County Board District 3 seat. Ray Thompson and I worked together as engineers for the Sundstrand Corporation, and I have always known him to be a hard-working man of integrity. He comes to the Republican Party as a fresh face, but his heart and his principles have always been those of our shared values. A Republican in Name Only, a RINO, is someone who pretends that they are a Republican, but their dishonest acts and lack of work ethic expose them. Ray Thompson is a TRUE Republican who is honest and a dedication to every job he undertakes. He will be a great member of the Winnebago County Board and I fully endorse him.

Paul Hofmann - Endorsement as a Harlem Township Trustee

(Hofmann also serves as the Chairman of the Winnebago County Central Committee)

This campaign is paid for by friends of Ray Thompson for Winnebago County Board Member